Keep Them Close

Published: Fri, 01/27/17

// January 27, 2017

Make Life a Little Easier for Mom (or Dad)

One of the things I am looking forward to with another little one in the house is baby wearing. It was one of my favorite parts of caring for Juniper. 

I can remember how easily I could calm her stressed out sleepy self, just wrapping her close, and she was asleep in minutes. I remember how proud I was to be walking the aisles of the grocery store with a one week old, confident she was safe and sound sleeping on my chest. 

I would totally recommend it. Try it with your own baby or borrow one, it’s the best.

– L​​​​​​​

A link for you:
My favorite way to wear a baby, in a Solly. Check them out below.
Michael & Lindsay Smith